
Hey there...

I'm Cess!

A designer, lover of mood boards, collector of funky fonts and content connoisseur.

I work with just one thing on my mind; creating digital experiences that captivate.

Learn more about me

Featured Projects

I build slick, growth-driven campaigns. Here are some of my favourite projects.
Digital INterviews & events

Digital corporate interviews & webinars

Technology is slowly becoming the key economic driver.

That's why I use digital transformation strategies to make my marketing campaigns more personalized and immersive for people.
See for yourself!


Studio & E-commerce

E-commerce stills can be boring and repetitive. But that doesn't always need to be the case, if regular stills don't suit a brand, mix it up!

Here's a project I was involved with.
Check it out!

3D Modeling & Animation

3D animation is a hobby I've recently taken up and a massive part of my creative outlet.

It's also a great way for businesses to communicate in a memorable and immersive way.
See it in action!

News & Information App

I am not a fan of Web apps. Sorry, not sorry.

They're slow, the UX seldom has the same level of attention as Native apps or Hybrid apps, and web apps generally lack the quality control feature.

Here's a project I did to push a customer-facing brand's Web app into a Native one.
Show me!

My experience

Branding Vibes: It's Way More Than Just Logo Love!

With my background in both B2B and B2C, I've learned how to present businesses with designs that not only look fantastic but also work seamlessly.
Build content that actually make a difference
Be purposeful and keep the interface simple

Strong relationships are built on communication. 🤝

I like to keep things tidy and clear, avoiding leaving thoughts unexpressed. After all, leaving things unsaid can often lead to misunderstandings.
Honest, open communication
Evidence-based decision making
Process approach and continuous improvement.

Every business needs a strong strategy to reach its goals.

And I know a thing or two about marketing and conversion strategies. 😉
Track progress based on strategic goals
Work to add value
Create a good customer/client experience

Brand Magic: Turning Ideas into Reality! ✌️

I create, develop, and launch campaigns that bring brands and ideas to life.
Try new things
Always about innovation
Improve business productivity