
Hi! Iā€™m Cess. I create digital experiences
that captivate.

Iā€™m a content creator and digital marketer based in London.
My goal is to learn, adapt and provide a fresh perspective on Digital Marketing.

A little about me

As a professional creative content creator & digital marketer, I've learned what makes a brand valuable and easy to sell (besides promotion and persuasiveness).

My interest:
Tech! It's growing like crazy and pushing boundaries like never before. As I dive deeper into this exciting world, I'm fascinated by how tech shapes the future of marketing. AI, AR, VR, and the whole shebang of Metaverses are where it's at! Let's explore this awesome journey together!
am a total homebody šŸ 
love cosy games šŸŽ®
a HUGE night owl! šŸ¦‰
am INFJ-T šŸ’š
A compilation image of Cess throughout her studio career.

Platforms I've used